
25 questions a packaging machine manufacturer might ask during a consultation

So you’ve contacted a packaging machine manufacturer for more information. Now what? The short answer: Expect a bunch of questions ranging from product descriptions to facility specifications. Every question asked has a singular goal: Making sure the equipment manufacturer fully understands the scope of your needs so they can provide accurate recommendations and pricing. Fair warning: […]

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7 ways COVID-19 is changing the packaging industry

Packaging is essential, now more than ever. During a time of global economic and health uncertainties, packaged products are a necessity. Whether it’s hand sanitizer, pharmaceuticals, medical testing kits, or food products, packaging is an essential part of keeping the world safe and healthy. Our packaging experts recently had a chat (with proper social distancing, of […]

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5 questions to answer before requesting a packing machine quotation

Think it’s time to contact a packaging machine manufacturer for a price quote? Great, let’s talk. But first, take some time to make sure the high-level parameters of your project are defined. Here’s why. Packaging machine manufacturers need to know very specific details of your project in order to provide the most accurate recommendations and pricing. Packaging equipment […]

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